Blackheads are recurring pesky black spots on your nose, ears, chin or back. They occur in clusters and are unsightly. Many of us prefer to extract them lifelong to look pleasing. And sometimes, during this regular clean up, mal play with them to attract a series of acne or pimples or some other kinds of skin eruptions
Causes of blackheadsTo get rid of blackheads it is important that you realize what is causing blackheads to you. Getting new blackheads frequently indicates a greater problem inside you. The possible factors that cause blackheads are:
Lack of water in one's body.
Excess dead cells blocking the opening to the pore.
Excess production of facial oil.
Improper cleansing routine wherein the facial oil may not be getting removed.
Excess scrubbing of the skin.
Use of products/makeup that may contain too much of oil.
Medical problems like ingestion, constipation, under active thyroid and anemia are also considered as contributing factors to blackheads.
Causes of blackheadsTo get rid of blackheads it is important that you realize what is causing blackheads to you. Getting new blackheads frequently indicates a greater problem inside you. The possible factors that cause blackheads are:
Lack of water in one's body.
Excess dead cells blocking the opening to the pore.
Excess production of facial oil.
Improper cleansing routine wherein the facial oil may not be getting removed.
Excess scrubbing of the skin.
Use of products/makeup that may contain too much of oil.
Medical problems like ingestion, constipation, under active thyroid and anemia are also considered as contributing factors to blackheads.
Blackheads, which are medically known as open comedones, are yellowish or blackish plugs in the skin. A type of acne vulgaris, blackheads are caused by the accumulation of sebum and dead skin cells in the sebaceous ducts. The blocked skin pores take on a dark color due to the oxidizing effect of air on the sebum. The dark or black color of blackheads is not caused by dirt or cosmetics. Blackheads are most commonly located in the T-zone area of the face, where sebaceous glands are the most active. The T-zone consists of your forehead, nose, and the area around your mouth and chin.
How are blackheads formed
Our skin contains hundreds of tiny pores. Blackheads occur in partially blocked pores. When sebum, dead cells, and bacteria drain slowly to the surface of the skin, the pigments in the skin turn black on oxidization. This forms skin eruptions in the form blackheads.They are therefore yellowish or blackish on the surface of your skin. The material inside a blackhead consists of keratin and sebum- which is the oily substance that comes out from sebaceous glands.
Having blackheads is a medical problem
Medically, blackheads are termed as open comedones. Getting blackheads is a medical problem and needs to be treated on time. Many people believe that it is a cosmetic trouble and can be dealt only at beauty salons. But this is a big myth and may expose you to bigger troubles.
Prevention & Solution
A plethora of products exists to treat blackheads. Because blackheads typically occur on the face, they are often a source of embarrassment for teens & adults. Blackheads that are not treated can become inflamed, leading to more severe forms of acne, significant scarring, and permanent damage to skin tissue and pores.
The best way to prevent and treat blackheads is to remove the underlying causes: excessive sebum and dead skin cells. The skin should be cleaned regularly and gently. Scrubbing or over-exfoliation can worsen the condition. Blackheads can be loosened using steam and then removed from the skin using tweezers. To prevent damage to the surrounding skin, only blackheads that have started to emerge from the clogged pore should be extracted. Although many tools are available for blackhead removal, including loop and spoon extractors and special guns, these should only be used by a trained professional. The use of harsh astringents on the skin can actually result in an increase of blackheads, as these products strip the skin of its natural oils, resulting in a greater production of sebum. Over-the-counter (OTC) acne medications, including those that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, and resorcinol, may be effective at reducing the number of severity of blackheads for some people. Most OTC medications work by penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, breaking up clogged pores, and reducing inflammation. However, these products often cause significant drying, redness, and skin irritation, and it therefore wise to consult your doctor before beginning treatment with any OTC acne medication. Moreover, salicylic acid is contraindicated in people who suffer from rosacea, a skin condition that is best treated by a physician.
The best way to prevent and treat blackheads is to remove the underlying causes: excessive sebum and dead skin cells. The skin should be cleaned regularly and gently. Scrubbing or over-exfoliation can worsen the condition. Blackheads can be loosened using steam and then removed from the skin using tweezers. To prevent damage to the surrounding skin, only blackheads that have started to emerge from the clogged pore should be extracted. Although many tools are available for blackhead removal, including loop and spoon extractors and special guns, these should only be used by a trained professional. The use of harsh astringents on the skin can actually result in an increase of blackheads, as these products strip the skin of its natural oils, resulting in a greater production of sebum. Over-the-counter (OTC) acne medications, including those that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, and resorcinol, may be effective at reducing the number of severity of blackheads for some people. Most OTC medications work by penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, breaking up clogged pores, and reducing inflammation. However, these products often cause significant drying, redness, and skin irritation, and it therefore wise to consult your doctor before beginning treatment with any OTC acne medication. Moreover, salicylic acid is contraindicated in people who suffer from rosacea, a skin condition that is best treated by a physician.